Monmouth County - Shrewsbury - Shrewsbury Christmas Tree Lighting
Shrewsbury Christmas Tree Lighting
Borough of Shrewsbury
419 Sycamore Avenue
Shewsbury Borough Hall Gazebo
Shrewsbury 07702
Shewsbury Borough Hall Gazebo
Shrewsbury 07702
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
MORE DETAILS: Come one! Come all! Let us welcome the beginning of the 2018 holiday season together!
Festivities include'¦ '¢ Cold-weather refreshments, baked goods, treats, face painting, and DJ '¢ Caroling led by the SBS Kindergartners & First Graders & the SBS Chorus. '¢ Holiday Performance from Dance Plus '¢ Special visit by Santa Claus arriving on the Fire truck! '¢ Pictures with Santa (so bring your camera, and don't be late!) Rain or Shine. **Lunch Break Food Drive **help lunch break and donate can food