Ocean County - Tuckerton - Kayaking on Tuckerton Creek

Tuckerton Seaport events and classes

Saturdays, July 13, 20, & 27  August 3 & 17
10:30 am

   A great way to get up close and personal with our natural environment. Enjoy a different view of the Seaport! Join guides from Ocean County Parks & Recreation as they lead an eco-tour of the Tuckerton Creek by kayak. Kayaks and flotation devices will be provided. Kayak tours will take place on select Saturdays through the summer. 

Tours are free with the cost of Tuckerton Seaport admission. 

 Tip: wear clothing that can get wet and dirty. 

Cost: Included with Seaport Admission. To register, please call 609-296-8868.
Reservation: Recommended

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