Register now for Saturday, August 24 – Burlington County
Night In Suffrage White
6-8pm, $20/person
Gather your friends and join the staff of the Alice Paul Institute for a special pop-up dinner to celebrate the date that women won the right to vote!
The observance of Women’s Equality Day not only commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment - it also calls attention to women’s continuing efforts toward full equality. API is proud to host this elegant evening to share our continued advocacy for the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.
White is the color of the event! In honor of the many suffragists who wore white in their fight to gain the right to vote, guests are highly encouraged to wear all white and decorate their table in white linens.
In true pop-up fashion, this event operates on a "pack it in/pack it out" philosophy. Every group must bring all their supplies (tables, chairs, food, flatware, linens, etc.) and take everything home with them, including trash.
Spots can be secured
for groups of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, or 14!
The first 50 registered guests are guaranteed a spot on
Paulsdale's beautiful wrap-around porch!
Guests registering after the first 50 will enjoy popping up their tables on the stately grounds of Paulsdale. Tickets: