Monmouth County - Belmar - NJCAR Annual Meeting

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New Jersey Cultural Alliance for Response

Annual Meeting
February 21, 2019
Taylor Pavilion
601 Main Street, Belmar, NJ 07719

Come learn what NJCAR has accomplished in the past year and what is in store for the future. A short business meeting will be followed by a presentation by Lisa Auermuller, Assistant Manager at Rutgers' Jacques Cousteau Coastal Education Center. The presentation given will be "Global warming & climate change affects on disaster preparedness."

The meeting is free and open to all. Bring a friend and a partner from your local emergency management community!

Registration starts at 9:30am and the meeting runs from 10:00am to 12:00pm


What is NJCAR?

The New Jersey Cultural Alliance for Response empowers New Jersey's cultural communities to preserve assets and sustain operations before, during and after a disaster. NJCAR is a network of organizations, associations, agencies, and individuals dedicated to safeguarding the State's cultural heritage. 

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