Union County - Westfield - “Final Respects - 18th-Century Funeral Customs”

Sunday, November 10 – Union County
2:00 to 4:00

“Final Respects -
18th-Century Funeral Customs”
at the Miller-Cory House Museum, 614 Mountain Avenue, Westfield

Death was ever-present in early America. Disease, epidemics, accidents, childbirth – all took their endless toll. Then, as now, burial and funeral rituals served to honor the dead and comfort the living. The museum’s program will take a look at 18th-century funeral practices; included are a presentation and an artifact display. Visitors may also tour the fully furnished c1740 farmhouse and watch demonstrations of open-hearth cooking. Admission is $5 for ages 13 and older, $3 for ages 3 to 13, and free age 2 and under. 908-232-1776 
and millercorymuseum@gmail.com. The museum’s website is www.millercoryhouse.com.

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