Monmouth County - Port Monmouth - Skates and Rays of the Jersey Shore
Skates and Rays of the Jersey Shore
Bayshore Waterfront Park
719 Port Monmouth Road, Port Monmouth, NJ 07758
Thursday, November 21, 7:00-8:00 PM
Every summer, more and more people are encountering cownose rays swimming along the coast. But cownose rays are not the only species of rays and skates common to the Garden State. Some people might also be lucky enough to find a Mermaid’s Purse on the beach or discover a clearnose skate swimming with them in the ocean. During this presentation, meet some of the rays and skates, which are related to sharks, that you may encounter on your next summer vacation along the shore. A park naturalist will also discuss the threats facing them and what we can do to help save skates and rays.
Bayshore Waterfront Park
719 Port Monmouth Road, Port Monmouth, NJ 07758
Thursday, November 21, 7:00-8:00 PM
Every summer, more and more people are encountering cownose rays swimming along the coast. But cownose rays are not the only species of rays and skates common to the Garden State. Some people might also be lucky enough to find a Mermaid’s Purse on the beach or discover a clearnose skate swimming with them in the ocean. During this presentation, meet some of the rays and skates, which are related to sharks, that you may encounter on your next summer vacation along the shore. A park naturalist will also discuss the threats facing them and what we can do to help save skates and rays.