Monmouth County - Shrewsbury - 11th Annual Shrewsbury Christmas Tree Lighting
11th Annual Shrewsbury Christmas Tree Lighting
Borough of Shrewsbury
419 Sycamore Avenue
Shrewsbury Borough Hall GazeboShrewsbury New Jersey 07702
Shrewsbury Borough Hall GazeboShrewsbury New Jersey 07702
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
MORE DETAILS: Come one! Come all! Let us welcome the beginning of the 2019 holiday season together!
Festivities include'¦
'¢ Cold-weather refreshments, baked goods, treats, face painting, and DJ
'¢ Caroling led by the SBS Kindergartners & First Graders & the SBS Chorus.
'¢ Holiday Performance from Dance Plus
'¢ Petting Zoo
'¢ Special visit by Santa Claus arriving on the Fire truck!
'¢ Pictures with Santa (so bring your camera, and don't be late!)
Rain or Shine.
**Lunch Break Food Drive **help lunch break and donate can food
Festivities include'¦ '¢ Cold-weather refreshments, baked goods, treats, face painting, and DJ '¢ Caroling led by the SBS Kindergartners & First Graders & the SBS Chorus. '¢ Holiday Performance from Dance Plus '¢ Petting Zoo '¢ Special visit by Santa Claus arriving on the Fire truck! '¢ Pictures with Santa (so bring your camera, and don't be late!) Rain or Shine. **Lunch Break Food Drive **help lunch break and donate can food
Come one! Come all! Let us welcome the beginning of the 2019 holiday season together! Festivities include'¦ '¢ Cold-weather refreshments, baked goods, treats, face painting, and DJ '¢ Caroling led by the SBS Kindergartners & First Graders & the SBS Chorus. '¢ Holiday Performance from Dance Plus '¢ Petting Zoo '¢ Special visit by Santa Claus arriving on the Fire truck! '¢ Pictures with Santa (so bring your camera, and don't be late!) Rain or Shine. **Lunch Break Food Drive **help lunch break and donate can food