Morris County - Morristown - “Remembering the American Revolution”

Thursday, November 14 – Morris County

North Jersey American Revolution Round Table

   The next meeting of the North Jersey American Revolution Round Table (NJARRT) will take place at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 14 when the speaker will be Joel Farkas. Mr. Farkas’ topic is “Remembering the American Revolution” which explores our collective memory of historical events highlighting myths and truths of the American Founding.

    Mr. Farkas is a graduate of The Ohio State University and a retired US Army officer. He is a student of the American Revolution and a popular lecturer on a variety of topics pertaining to the Revolutionary War and the early days of the Republic. He is a volunteer guide at the Ford Mansion at Morristown National Historical Park.

   The meetings of the NJARRT take place in the Great Hall at the museum at Morristown NHP, 30 Washington Place, Morristown.

  The public is invited.

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