Union County - Union - Adult Pumpkin Carving Party

Adult Pumpkin Carving Party

Thursday, October 24

Pumpkins beware – we’re hosting an adult pumpkin carving party! Join us, if you’ve got the guts. Get ready to enjoy a fall night out with friends carving & decorating pumpkins, snacks and wine and beer! We’ll have Halloween music playing and prizes for the most creative pumpkin design! Must be 21 years or older to attend.  Admission includes pumpkin, carving materials and refreshments. 
  • Program Time: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. 
  • Program Fee: $30.00 for adults; $25.00 for museum members/Kean Alumni
  • Reservations required by October 18
Make a Reservation 
Please call 908-527-0400 or email libertyhall@kean.edu

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