Monmouth County - Deal - Luncheon Commemorating the Township of Ocean Historical Museum

Luncheon Commemorating the Township of Ocean Historical Museum

Saturday, October 26, 2019, at 1:00 pm 
Deal Golf and Country Club, 1 Golf Lane, Deal, NJ 07723
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Monmouth County Freeholder Lillian Berry,  Recipient of the Museum's "History Champion" Award


The Volunteers who created the Museum
170th Birthday of the Township of Ocean
35th Anniversary of the Museum Formation
10th Anniversary of the Opening of the Eden Woolley House

Let’s do lunch—and celebrate Museum milestones

Mark your calendars! On Saturday, October 26 at 1:00, we are hosting a sit-down luncheon at the historic and elegant Deal Golf and Country Club to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Township of Ocean Historical Museum and the 10th year in our new home, the Eden Woolley House. We would love for you to join us in the celebration.

The thirty-five years of our history are filled with milestones, successful events, and award-winning recognition. Ours is an American success story. It is a credit to the volunteer spirit of the community where individuals share their talent, time and resources for a common goal.

We will be recognizing both Freeholder Lillian Burry, who has steadfastly supported the preservation of historic Monmouth County, and the volunteers who led the way from our 1984 beginnings in the former Oakhurst School to the restoration of the Eden Woolley House in 2009.

Pictures and artifacts from the last 35 years will be on display and a silent gift auction will be part of the afternoon’s activities.

Everyone is welcome—from founding members to the latest 
visitors. Tickets are an affordable $55 to encourage all to join us in celebration of this cultural gem in our community. Tickets go on sale August 1.

Call the Museum at 732-531-2136 or visit to make your reservations.

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