Union County - Union - A Child's View of History at Liberty Hall
Tuesdays, August 14, 21, 28 -- Union County
Child's View of History
Tuesdays August, 14, 21, 28 - 11 a.m or 2 p.m.
In this unique tour, children and their parents will view the museum through the eyes of its youngest former occupants: the children who inhabited Liberty Hall over the past 240 years. History has never been so "hands-on" with each room your child visits featuring a variety of artifacts they are welcome to touch! The tour ends with kids experiencing farm chores, playing colonial games and light refreshments. Recommended for ages 5-12.
Program Fee: $10.00 per child, $8.00 per adult, reservations required.
Liberty Hall Museum: 1003 Morris Avenue, Union, NJ 07083