Register now for Sunday, August 26 -- Monmouth to Cape May
Jersey Journey: Cold Spring Village
Time-Travel to Experience Living in a Real 19th-century New Jersey Village
The Atlantic Highlands Historical Society is launching its sixth year of Historic Jersey Journeys with a day trip via motor coach to Historic Cold Spring Village in Cape May on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2018.
Cold Spring immerses visitors in the experience of living in a rural New Jersey town as it was in the 1800s, at what is our state’s largest open-air, living-history museum. Twenty-seven restored buildings are set on more than 30 acres, including a country store, ice cream parlor, bakery and a brewery that serves craft ales. Roaming costumed interpreters talk about life in the village and onsite working farm and answer questions from the curious about life in the early years of American independence.
Adding to the fun will be a daylong celebration of seafarers. Family-friendly activities will include pirate skirmishes, sea shanties performed by a live band, a scavenger hunt for gold coins and swashbuckling tales told by a pirate captain.
Our van will depart at 9:30 a.m. sharp from Strauss Mansion, 27 Prospect Circle, Atlantic Highlands, returning at approximately 6 p.m. Attendees may bring lunch or purchase food at a variety of on-site eateries. Guests are also welcome to bring snacks and non-alcoholic beverages to eat while on board the van.
Cost is $75 per person and covers transportation and museum admission. Advance purchase is required. Checks can be dropped off at the mansion, or mailed to PO Box 108, Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 07716 (checks must be received by Aug 15th), or attendees can pay $77.50 on our website.