Ocean County - Tuckerton - Summer Adventure is Calling! Summer camp at Tuckerton Seaport

August 20-24 – Ocean County
Summer Adventure is Calling!
 Summer camp at Tuckerton Seaport

    With the recent weather, it seems like summer may never arrive, but it will come and go before you know it! Plan ahead and don't miss your chance to explore, learn, and create at the Tuckerton Seaport Summer Day Camp.

   The week-long day camp will take place August 20th-24th from 10 am-4 pm each day. Boys and girls, ages 6 -9 years, will participate in hands-on programs including gardening, basket weaving, folk music/storytelling, environmental science, arts & crafts, nature exploration, and more!

   Call or register online today! http://bit.ly/seaportsummercamp
Please call 609-296-8868 to register. Tuckerton Seaport, Main Street, Tuckerton.

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