Somerset County - Somerset - Astrophotography for the Rest of Us at Franklin Library

Tuesday, January 29 – Somerset County

Astrophotography for the Rest of Us at Franklin Library, Somerset, NJ, 

    Learn the basics of taking photographs of the universe at night, both with and without a telescope at Franklin Library on Tuesday, January 29 at 7 p.m. This introduction will focus on users who want to begin with their own cell phone and/or DSLR camera. It is open to teens and adults.

   Professional photographer, Peter Alessandria, will present just how to shoot nightscapes, including the moon and star trails.  

   Amateur astrophotographer, Bob Graham, will introduce how to use a DSLR camera or cell phone to begin shooting celestial targets with a telescope.  

   The presentation is provided by the Franklin Astronomy Club. Registration is requested but not required. Interested individuals can register via the library’s website at or by calling 732-873-8700. 

    This program is free and open to the public. The Franklin Township Public Library is located at 485 DeMott Lane, Somerset, NJ 08873 in the municipal complex.

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