Middlesex County - Highland Park - Using JRI-Poland and the Polish Archives for Genealogical Research

Thursday, January 24 – Middlesex County

The next Meeting of the Genealogy Club of Central Jersey (GCCJ) will be on Thursday, January 24. (PLEASE NOTE UNUSUAL DATE!), at 7:00 p.m. at Ahavas Achim Synagogue, 216 South 1st Ave., in Highland Park

If you know persons who might be interested in attending our meetings, please feel free to invite them!!

Our meetings are held on the second floor of the building. The room where we meet can be reached by stairways either at the front or rear of the main lobby on the first floor, or by an elevator near the rear (parking lot side) of the building. The meeting room is at the front (1st Avenue) end of the building.
Using JRI-Poland and the Polish Archives for Genealogical
Research, Elana Broch, PhD, MLIS
Elana Broch is an amateur genealogist who has spent much of her research efforts trying to find out about her grandfather, Saul Lichtman, a 1941 "euthanasia" victim. Although Lichtman's birth town (Bilshivtsi) is now in Ukraine, the town (Bolszowce) was Polish until after World War II. Many Polish records of that era defy the rules of archival provenance and are housed in the Polish Archives in Warsaw (AGAD). Her genealogical quest took her to the IAJGS conference in Warsaw in August 2018 including a trip to AGAD. A visit to the Jewish Historical Society in Warsaw may have provided the missing link to the wealth of information available via Jewish Records Indexing-Poland. Join us to find out what she learned about using these archival sources in person and what aspects of this information is available to you online.

Elana Broch, PhD, is the Assistant Population Research Librarian at Princeton University.

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