Monmouth County - Middletown - Skies of the American Revolution
Did the sky and the weather play a part in the American War for Independence? Elaine Lent will present a different view of the Revolutionary War through the life and times of the colorful William Alexander, Lord Stirling (1726 – 1783), a prominent amateur astronomer, surveyor, soldier, and patriot. Stirling’s military contributions to the American side of the conflict were considerable, but are largely forgotten today. A native of New York and Basking Ridge, NJ, Stirling played a pivotal part in the American Revolution, particularly during the early years.
Elaine Lent, a member of the Middletown Township Historical Society, is a teacher and grant writer. As Vice-President of the New Jersey Astronomical Association, her interest in astronomy and history led her to write a number of grants to fund personal exploration of these studies. Ms. Lent is also a member of the Middletown Township Historical Preservation Commission, the Monmouth County Historical Association, and serves as the Church Historian for Middletown’s Old First Church.
The event will begin at 7:00 pm at the Poricy Park Nature Center at 345 Oak Hill Road in Middletown (Red Bank mailing address). All are welcome.