Saturday, June 30 -- Middlesex County
3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
When the Armies Came to Your House! NOT a pretty story
What was like to live in NJ & PA during the Revolutionary War, when the British & Continental Armies, encamped in the area, looted your home for supplies? Deborah Peterson, an independent researcher, presents the harrowing personal views of families who lost food, stock, clothes, furnishings, farm equipment, and sundry goods to these armies. NOT SUITABLE for children under 10 years old.
Admission: Free. Dutch Door Gift Shop open (Tours not available)
Register at: 732-463-8363 OR
NOTE: The museum entrance is NOT ACCESSIBLE directly off River Road. Follow these directions to Parking & Entrance: From River Road, turn onto Hillcrest Drive. At top of Hillcrest, turn left onto Logan Lane and proceed straight to the upper parking area (cul-de-sac). Museum entrance at bottom of the hill. Limited handicap parking in the lower parking area – please call ahead to reserve.
July 4: 10:00AM – 4:00PM (on the QUARTER hour) Guided Tours
Dutch Door Gift Shop open