Hunterdon County - Lambertville - Bridges, Locks and Aqueducts: The History and Workings of the Delaware & Raritan Canal

Sunday, January 19 -- Hunterdon County

Bridges, Locks and Aqueducts:
The History and Workings of the Delaware & Raritan Canal
Sunday, January 19, 1:00-3:00 PM
Pittore Justice Center25 South Union StreetLambertville, NJ

    After a brief business meeting of the Lambertville Historical Society, Canal author and historian Linda J. Barth will introduce us to the people, bridges, locks, and aqueducts that made the Delaware and Raritan Canal work. This waterway, now the centerpiece of a popular state park, transported people and supplies between New York and Philadelphia during three wars. Inventor John Holland used the canal to deliver his Holland VI submarine to Washington for its Navy trials, and luxury yachts, like J.P. Morgan’s Tarantula, cruised the waterway. Come and learn more about this historic gem of central New Jersey.

    A lifelong resident of the Garden State, Linda has written two books on the D&R Canal, three children’s picture books and also contributed to the Encyclopedia of New Jersey. A retired teacher, she is the executive director of the League of Historical Societies of New Jersey and president of the D&R Canal Watch, a friends organization of the D&R Canal State Park.

    This program is free and open to the public. Please call 609-397-0770 or visit if you have questions.

    Please call (609) 397-0770 or visit for more information.

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