Mercer County - Trenton - Lectures at the Old Barracks Museum During Patriots Week

December 26-28 – Mercer County
Historic Lectures at the Old Barracks Museum During Patriots Week

Trenton, NJ— The Old Barracks Museum will host five lectures during Patriots Week, the week-long celebration of Trenton’s Revolutionary History. Each lecture is free and open to the public and will highlight an interesting aspect of America’s past.

  On Wednesday, December 26 at 2 PM, Lauren Ronaghan, Program Coordinator at the Old Barracks Museum, will present “Barracks. School. Brothel. Museum. The Life of 104 West Front Street.” This presentation details how the Officers House of the Old Barracks survived the test of time by becoming a part of the city's landscape. 

  On Thursday, December 27 at 1 PM, Asher Lurie, Senior Historic Interpreter of the Old Barracks Museum will present "The British Army in North America 1768-1783."Learn about the true story of the British soldiers and officers sent to defend and maintain the thirteen American Colonies.

  On Friday, December 28 at 12 PM, David Niescior, Historic Interpreter of the Old Barracks Museum, will present "'Leveling all Distinctions': The Philadelphia Associators and the Making of Revolution." This presentation discusses how The Philadelphia Associators quickly became the most radical revolutionaries in the American forces during the Revolutionary War. Drawn from the "lower sort", they sought radical change which stretched the boundaries of what many above them thought the Revolution could - or should - accomplish. 

  On Friday, December 28 at 1:30 PM, Leon Brooks Sr. will present "Black Marbleheaders on The Delaware" and Algernon Ward, Jr. will present "We Were There: African Americans at The Battle of Trenton." These presentations feature the history of how African American servicemen were crucial to the victory of the Battle of Trenton.

  On Friday, December 28 at 3 PM, Tim Stollery will present "John Honeyman, Washington’s Spy: Unsung Hero or Urban Legend?" This presentation features the story of John Honeyman, the Griggstown, New Jersey butcher and cattle dealer who, according to legend, became a spy for General George Washington in the months leading up to the game-changing victory in the First Battle of Trenton. This presentation will lay out the genesis of the story, explore the findings on each side of the Honeyman mystery, and ultimately invite attendees to join in the search for more primary evidence that can support or debunk the legend of Washington’s spy at Trenton.

The Old Barracks Museum is located at 101 Barrack Street, Trenton, NJ. Parking for the event is free, close, and plentiful, available in the small lot next to the museum as well as the lot next to The War Memorial.  

For more information call 609-396-1776 or visit This event is hosted by the Old Barracks Museum and is part of Patriots Week, a week-long celebration of Trenton’s revolutionary history. Visit for more information on this and other events. 

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