Morris County - Oak Ridge - The Museum Garden Club of Jefferson
Wednesday, March 11 – Morris County
The Museum Garden Club of Jefferson will meet on Wednesday, March 11 in the Riker Room of the Jefferson Township Library, Weldon Road, Jefferson, at 7:00 p.m. Gardeners of all skill levels are welcome to attend this meeting and to join the Garden Club. New members are welcome, and no experience is necessary. Volunteering in the Museum Gardens is a rewarding experience, learning and working alongside several Master Gardeners and dedicated members.
The Museum Garden Club’s main focus is to develop and maintain the gardens surrounding the Jefferson Township Museum, also known as the George Chamberlain House. Other activities include an annual plant sale and decorating the Museum for Museum Christmas. Anyone interested in joining the organization is encouraged to attend this meeting.
For further information, contact or follow us on facebook: Jefferson Twsp Historical Society.