Hunterdon County - Stockton - Great Historic Properties in NJ @ Prallsville Mills

Thursday, March 12 – Hunterdon County

Prallsville Mills Speakers Series:
Great Historic Properties in NJ
at 7pm

    STOCKTON – Do you love old historic houses? Do you want to learn more about them? Join Historic Preservation Specialist, Andrea Tingey on Thursday, March 12 at 7pm at Prallsville Mills to explore exceptional historic properties in New Jersey and learn more about what it takes to make the historic register.

    Andrea Tingey is a Historic Preservation Specialist 3 who has been with the New Jersey State Historic Preservation Office for 26 years. Currently working as the Survey Program coordinator for the office, she also is involved in the review of National Register nominations. For six years, she coordinated the Certified Local Government program, including grants and surveys. She previously spent 11 years working in the Transportation and Planning Section where the bulk of her workload involved the regulatory review of bridge projects. Ms. Tingey received a BA in history from Dickinson College and did her graduate work in historic preservation planning at Cornell University.

    The Prallsville Mills complex in Stockton, NJ, is considered a significant example of early American industrial architecture that was included on the National Register of Historic Places in 1973. Today, the Mill proudly features cultural and historic events for the entire community. You can find the Mills online at

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