Mercer County - Princeton - CANCELLED - Utopia, New Jersey: Travels in the Nearest Eden


Utopia, New Jersey: Travels in the Nearest Eden with Perdita Buchan

Wednesday, March 25 at 2:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.Doors open half an hour before each session

Tickets for afternoon talk only:
$10; free for Friends of Morven
$27; $18 for Friends of Morven
Tickets for evening lecture:
$10; free for Friends of Morven

Utopia, New Jersey: Travels in the Nearest Eden author Perdita Buchan explores eight New Jersey utopian communities with a focus on Roosevelt, New Jersey.
From a cooperative colony in Englewood founded by Upton Sinclair, to an anarchist village in Piscataway centered on an educational experiment, to the Physical Culture City in Spotswood, where drugs, tobacco, and corsets were banned, but where nudity was widespread, all but one of the utopias—a single-tax colony in Berkeley Heights—failed to survive.
Buchan’s lecture will show how each colony left a legacy of much more than the buildings or street names that remain today—legacies that are inspiring, surprising, and often outright quirky.
Books available for purchase in Museum Shop with discussion and signing following lecture.

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