Monmouth County - Matawan - CANCELLED - An Evening of Entertaining History

An Evening of Entertaining History
The Borrows Mansion, 94 Main Street, Matawan, NJ 07747
March 23, 2020, 7:30 pm


As the producer and host of a weekly television series called Raritan Bayshore Living (shown on Comcast and the Internet), I have grown to genuinely love sharing the local beauty and colorful history of our area to help people understand and appreciate the relics and spirits of the past which surround them. 

Today, more than a million people every year see my television programs of travelogues and historical documentaries. This weekly program -- available to Comcast subscribers in Toms River, Ocean, Monmouth and Union Counties -- has featured episodes on the Revolutionary War, tours of local towns and villages, interviews with newsmakers and celebrities, walking tours and many other subjects.

I have also developed more than 60 Facebook groups comprising some 125,000 members for towns and villages where my historical programs are viewed. One such group, focused on Middletown, now has more than 25,000 members. Another group, Monmouth County History has more than 2,500 members since its beginning in 2019. My Facebook group for Matawan comprises close to 2,000 members.

Finally, I'm pleased to announce my new book, A Historical Journey Across Raritan Bay, will be published in a few months.  I'm also honored to be recognized by Monmouth County as one of the top 50 historians of the last 50 years.  

I hope you'll join me on March 23 beginning at 7:30pm at the Burrowes Mansion located at 94 Main Street in Matawan.  Parking is on the side street and backyard of the Mansion.  Seating is limited so please come early.

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