Hunterdon County - Ringoes - Fiber Art by Mary Schwarzenberger

Saturday, June 22 through Sunday, July 28 -- Hunterdon County

Fiber Art by Mary Schwarzenberger

Exhibit opening Saturday, June 22nd through Sunday, July 28th.

Meet the Artist Reception: Sunday, June 23rd

Mary grew up in a household where her mother and grandmother sewed, so she began playing with fabric from an early age.

After a career in education, she was able to follow her dream of creating art full-time.

When Mary isn’t sewing, she is dyeing vintage lace and linens, creating her own fabric, or working in mixed media. Several years of the pieces in this show reflect the ocean. Its effect on all the senses instills calm and exhilaration simultaneously.                   

More recently Mary has been exploring spirals as part of a continuing exploration of creating texture with fabric and color. Her work has been juried into national shows, her wearable art jackets have won national awards and toured the U.S.

Museum Hours:

Saturday and Sunday - 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

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