Morris County - Mendham - The Creation of American Law: John Jay, Oliver Ellsworth and the 1790s Supreme Court
Tuesday, March 26 – Morris County
The Mendham Borough Historical Society opens its spring session on Tuesday, March 26, 2019, in the Garabrant Center, 4 Wilson Street, Borough, at 1:30 PM. Following a brief business agenda, the program will be presented by Dr. Jude Pfister – “The Creation of American Law: John Jay, Oliver Ellsworth and the 1790s Supreme Court.” The Constitutional Convention in 1787 set America on a course to develop a unique system of law, based on Constitution Article III, calling for a national judiciary headed by a supreme court, first meeting in 1790.
The narrated- and PowerPoint program leads to a history of America’s national law and some of the people who set both the new Supreme Court and the new federal judiciary in motion. We meet some of those movers, e.g., John Jay, first Chief Justice, and other founders, who displayed great determination while guiding the process through the difficult 1790s political landscape. A timely topic in today’s world. Dr. Pfister, D. Litt., is the Chief of Cultural Resources at Morristown National Historical Park Museum and Library; a historian by training, the author of several books of this era. Program/parking free. NB: Meetings for April/May 2019 are at 1:30 PM, Garabrant.