New Jersey - Online - Newark genealogy with professional genealogists Melissa Johnson and Mark A.J. Szep
FYI, our colleagues at the Newark Public Library have organized two online programs related to Newark history and started a COVID-19 archive:
--Thursday, April 23 at 1 pm: Newark genealogy talk via Zoom with professional genealogists Melissa Johnson and Mark A.J. Szep discussing their extensive experience researching Newark family history. They will talk about repositories, sources, and strategies for researching Newark family history at a time when all repositories are closed. Details for how to join will be posted on NPL's website before the event.
--COVID-19 archive. The Library is asking those who live, work, or go to school in Newark to contribute written and/or visual reminiscences to their COVID-19 Archive. Written memories of no more than 1500 words, and/or photos with captions and/or short videos (no more than 5 minutes) can be emailed to More information at: