Monmouth County - Red Bank - Barbecue at the Grover House

You are Invited to Grover House for a BBQ Party!

Grover House, 930 West Front Street, Red Bank, Sunday, June 23rd, 2019

From 11:00am - 3:00pm

NMHA invites you to come for a visit, tour the house, and eat BBQ!

When we work on the Grover House renovations one of the highlights is the post-work social time on the porch. 

The Grover House is in a lovely location to socialize and we invite all NMHA Members, NMHA Friends, and the volunteer workers to a BBQ & PARTY.

Please register HERE for a headcount

for the BBQ.

During your visit you can:

View the progress of the 100% volunteer effort to construct an ADA bathroom, galley kitchen, and meeting room.
Meet NMHA's board members and discuss activities and projects that you are interested in.

Enjoy a BBQ from 12:30 - 1:30.

Listen to music.   

Navesink Maritime Heritage Association's office and center of activities is Grover House, a c1730's colonial farmhouse at 930 West Front Street, Red Bank and the one-acre site on which it sits. The Mr. Grover that built the farmhouse in the 1730s was a descendant of James Grover, one of the original founders of Monmouth County in 1664.

Grover House is on West Front Street by the entrance to Stevenson Park on West Front Street.

Navesink Maritime Heritage Association

Navesink Maritime Heritage Association is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to preserving knowledge and appreciation of Monmouth County's maritime heritage through programs that teach wooden boat building and the boat handling skills; through preserving the history of Monmouth County's wooden boat builders and other maritime history; and through experiental on-the-water programs of River Rangers for children age 10-14 and Sea Scout Ship #5 Navesink for coed youth age 14-21. 

All rights reserved.

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