Monmouth County - Locust - Enviro-Quest @ Huber Woods

Huber Woods Environmental Center
25 Brown's Dock Road, Locust (Middletown Twp.), NJ 07760
Thursday, August 6, 2020, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM
(all ages)

Don’t know what to do on a weekday this summer break? Why not seek out some nature fun. Follow the Enviro-Quest signs to where the Park System Naturalist is waiting. Once you are there you can join in a walk, activities, crafts, or games for 30-60 minutes of nature fun. Activities could include meeting a live animal, finding hidden treasure, discovering incredible parts of a flower, creating artwork with natural materials, or participating in a fun nature-themed game. You bring your sense of adventure and we’ll bring the rest!

For additional details please call 732-751-9453.

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